Sinus problems plague many people, whether from allergies, food intolerance, or lingering infections, and can lead to headaches, facial pain and pressure, and ear blockage. Many of the patients in South Florida, report an increase in sinus problems and symptoms in the spring and summer. In Chinese medicine terms, this is not surprising, as Florida’s climate is very humid – leading to an increased tendency in our bodies to the retention of “damp”, or fluids. It is also the time of year when allergens such as pollen are very prevalent in the air, and there are increased pollution thanks to sugarcane burning and crop spraying. Read more
“Pain In Your Neck” – Chinese Medicine Can Help You
Necks are particularly vulnerable to injury and, to make things worse, many people sit at computers all day, have bad posture, or regularly place their bodies in awkward positions, such as leaning over a laptop or hauling heavy bags. Read more
Back Pain Relief is at Hand
Back Pain Relief and other musculoskeletal problems such as neck or joint pain is most likely to seek out by American adults from alternative treatments.
By Linda J. Buch and Kristen Browning-Blas
The Denver Post
Acupuncture’s effects on the brain
A new study about the effects of acupuncture on the brain may shed light on the complex mechanisms of this Eastern healing technique.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method in which thin needles are inserted into the skin at selected spots to treat various ailments.
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Alternative remedy use common among infertility
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A substantial number of American couples are looking beyond for alternative medicine for infertility in hopes of improving their chances of conceiving a baby, according to new research. The state-of-the-art fertility treatments to therapies are dating back centuries.