Massage Therapy Reduces Stress is natural and safe and unlike some forms of alternative therapies, massage therapy is a proven discipline within the medical community with scientific evidence supporting the use of massage for stress management.
Massage therapy is a proven, non-invasive way to reduce chronic stress levels in the body. Dozens of studies have shown the effectiveness of massage therapy in reducing stress and millions of people avail themselves to the services of massage therapists to treat stress.
What is Stress?
Stress is your body’s way of responding to physical or emotional demands. Everyone experiences increased stress levels at one time or another. In fact, the body’s ability to react to stressful situations and deal with threats is critical to our survival. However, when one is under long term stress caused by ongoing situations such as work or family problems, financial concerns, etc. the body will be in a constant heightened state – a state which has harmful effects on many bodily systems including the immune system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, reproductive system, etc.
How massage therapy reduces stress?
The answer to this question is unequivocal yes – massage therapy reduces stress levels. According to The Franklin Institute website on the human brain and stress, “Massage releases endorphins that calm the peripheral nervous system.” The Mayo Clinic website identifies massage as a valid medical method to reduce stress and pain. It goes on to say, “Massage reduced anxiety in depressed children and anorexic women. It also reduced anxiety and withdrawal symptoms in adults trying to quit smoking.”
In fact, there are many studies that have proven the effectiveness of massage in reducing stress in various situations:
- In October 2008 the journal Psychooncology published a study entitled, “Massage in patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy reduces serum cortisol and prolactin.” The conclusion of the study stated, “…a significant reduction in cortisol (stress hormone) could be safely achieved through massage, with associated improvement in psychological well-being.”
- In May 2008 The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry published a study entitled, “Pilot study evaluating the effect of massage therapy on stress, anxiety and aggression in a young adult psychiatric inpatient unit.” The study concluded that “Massage therapy had immediate beneficial effects on anxiety-related measures.”
This information is brought to you by Dr. XiPing Zhou, M.D.O.M., L.Ac. Dr. Zhou is the founder & president of East West Healing Arts Institute Massage School, Dr. Zhou’s Acupuncture & Pain Management Clinic, Madison Family Wellness Community Clinic, The Herbal Palace, & China Delight Tours. Visit any of these websites to learn about Chinese medicine and culture.