Pick the date you will begin your life as a non-smoker using a stop-smoking plan. Be realistic about the timing of your date (the day before a big presentation at work or an exam at school is probably not the most advantageous date). Be sure to have plenty of self-nourishing and encouraging activities in place to ensure your path of success.
Here are a few suggestions for Your Stop-Smoking Plan:
- Take all cigarette butts for two weeks prior to quitting and put in a jar with water. When the urge arises, open the jar and take a deep breath to help with Your Stop-Smoking Plan!
- Never skip meals. Your body needs energy.
- But be sure to snack smart: celery, carrot sticks, nuts, and seeds. Munchies keep your mouth busy,
- Increase exercise to get the endorphins going.
- Stay away from triggers – smoking hangouts and smoking-break buddies.
- Get plenty of rest. Set aside time for napping and relaxing. You’re allowed!
- Take a QiGong/meditation/breathing class – for peace of mind, and to enjoy your lungs.
- Collect all lighters, leftover packs of cigarettes, and ashtrays and toss ‘em.
- Clean the home or car to celebrate your new beginning.
- Commit to seeing supportive friends and relatives. Put them on your calendar.
- Call yourself a non-smoker.
- Enjoy yourself. Call on friends when you feel low. Go to the movies and try new activities. Again, put these on your calendar to force yourself not to “wimp out.”
- Think positive: Focus not on what you’re giving up, but what you’re gaining.
- Write it down! Write down “I want to be a lifelong non-smoker” or “I can change my behavior.” Say it enough times and you’ll start to believe it.
- Keep a list of reasons why you want to be a non-smoker visible in your house, in the car or at work.
- Avoid tempting situations (i.e. your favorite smoking chair.)
- Join a support group or ask friends for additional support. Quitting is tough stuff; don’t go at it alone.
- Use other stress-relieving activities: a relaxing bath, music, reading, walking, massage, QiGong or acupuncture.